The following are press photos created to spread the word about Brighton Beach Memoirs.
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Photo 1: Levittown
Brighton Beach Memoirs
Dominick Sannelli of Levittown, PA Plays Eugene Jerome in the Neil Simon's comedy-drama Brighton Beach Memoirs. The play is presented by Maurer Productions OnStage at the Kelsey Theatre on the West Windsor campus of Mercer County Community college October 3 - 12, 2008. Admission is $14 for adults, $12 for seniors, $10 students and children. For tickets call: 609-570-3333. For more information visit www.mponstage.com
Photo 2: Levittown & Bound Brook
Brighton Beach Memoirs
Dominick Sannelli of Levittown, PA (standing) and James Houston of Bound Brook, NJ (seated) are appearing in Neil Simon's comedy-drama Brighton Beach Memoirs. The play is presented by Maurer Productions OnStage at the Kelsey Theatre on the West Windsor campus of Mercer County Community college October 3 - 12, 2008. Admission is $14 for adults, $12 for seniors, $10 students and children. For tickets call: 609-570-3333. For more information visit www.mponstage.com
Photo 3: Chesterfield & Levittown
Brighton Beach Memoirs
Robert Fisher of Chesterfield, NJ (left) and Dominick Sannelli of Levittown, PA (right) are appearing in Neil Simon's comedy-drama Brighton Beach Memoirs. The play is presented by Maurer Productions OnStage at the Kelsey Theatre on the West Windsor campus of Mercer County Community college October 3 - 12, 2008. Admission is $14 for adults, $12 for seniors, $10 students and children. For tickets call: 609-570-3333. For more information visit www.mponstage.com
Photo 4: Chesterfield & Levittown
Brighton Beach Memoirs
Robert Fisher of Chesterfield, NJ (seated) and Dominick Sannelli of Levittown, PA (standing) are appearing in Neil Simon's comedy-drama Brighton Beach Memoirs. The play is presented by Maurer Productions OnStage at the Kelsey Theatre on the West Windsor campus of Mercer County Community college October 3 - 12, 2008. Admission is $14 for adults, $12 for seniors, $10 students and children. For tickets call: 609-570-3333. For more information visit www.mponstage.com
Photo 5: Monroe Township & Yardley
Brighton Beach Memoirs
Jennifer DeVenio of Monroe Township, NJ (left) and Leta Brehme Gilbert of Yardley, PA are appearing in Neil Simon's comedy-drama Brighton Beach Memoirs. The play is presented by Maurer Productions OnStage at the Kelsey Theatre on the West Windsor campus of Mercer County Community college October 3 - 12, 2008. Admission is $14 for adults, $12 for seniors, $10 students and children. For tickets call: 609-570-3333. For more information visit www.mponstage.com
Photo 6: Princeton & Yardley
Brighton Beach Memoirs
Delia Bannon of Princeton, NJ (seated left) and Leta Brehme Gilbert of Yardley, PA (standing right) are appearing in Neil Simon's comedy-drama Brighton Beach Memoirs. The play is presented by Maurer Productions OnStage at the Kelsey Theatre on the West Windsor campus of Mercer County Community college October 3 - 12, 2008. Admission is $14 for adults, $12 for seniors, $10 students and children. For tickets call: 609-570-3333. For more information visit www.mponstage.com
Photo 6: Princeton & Yardley
Photo 7: Monroe Township & Bound Brook
Brighton Beach Memoirs
Jennifer DeVenio of Monroe Township, NJ (left) and James Houston of Bound Brook, NJ (seated right) are appearing in Neil Simon's comedy-drama Brighton Beach Memoirs. The play is presented by Maurer Productions OnStage at the Kelsey Theatre on the West Windsor campus of Mercer County Community college October 3 - 12, 2008. Admission is $14 for adults, $12 for seniors, $10 students and children. For tickets call: 609-570-3333. For more information visit www.mponstage.com
Photo 8: Montville & Yardley
Brighton Beach Memoirs
Kristin Bennett of Montville, NJ (a student of The College of New Jersey) and Leta Brehme Gilbert of Yardley, PA (right) are appearing in Neil Simon's comedy-drama Brighton Beach Memoirs. The play is presented by Maurer Productions OnStage at the Kelsey Theatre on the West Windsor campus of Mercer County Community college October 3 - 12, 2008. Admission is $14 for adults, $12 for seniors, $10 students and children. For tickets call: 609-570-3333. For more information visit www.mponstage.com
Photo 9: Monroe Township & Levittown
Brighton Beach Memoirs
Jennifer DeVenio of Monroe Township, NJ (left) and Dominick Sannelli of Levittown, PA (right) are appearing in Neil Simon's comedy-drama Brighton Beach Memoirs. The play is presented by Maurer Productions OnStage at the Kelsey Theatre on the West Windsor campus of Mercer County Community college October 3 - 12, 2008. Admission is $14 for adults, $12 for seniors, $10 students and children. For tickets call: 609-570-3333. For more information visit www.mponstage.com
Photo 10: Chesterfield, Levittown, Monroe Township, Montville, Yardley, Bound Brook, Princeton
Brighton Beach Memoirs
The cast of Neil Simon's comedy-drama Brighton Beach Memoirs. Top row: Robert Fisher of Chesterfield, NJ; Dominick Sannelli of Levittown, PA; Jennifer DeVenio of Monroe Township, NJ; Kristin Bennett of Montville, NJ, Leta Brehme Gilbert of Yardley, PA. Bottom Row: James Houston of Bound Brook, NJ; Delia Bannon of Princeton, NJ. The play is presented by Maurer Productions OnStage at the Kelsey Theatre on the West Windsor campus of Mercer County Community college October 3 - 12, 2008. Admission is $14 for adults, $12 for seniors, $10 students and children. For tickets call: 609-570-3333. For more information visit www.mponstage.com