The following are press photos created to spread the word about The Emperor's New Clothes.
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Photo 1: Plainsboro, Levittown
From left to right: Scott Karlin (Plainsboro), Dominick Sannelli (Levittown) and Rosie Karlin (Plainsboro) star in the family-friendly musical production of "The Emperor's New Clothes". The show is presented by Maurer Productions OnStage at the Kelsey Theatre on the West Windsor campus of Mercer County Community college October 12-14, 2007. Admission is $10 for adults, $8 for seniors, students and children. For tickets call: 609-570-3333. For more information visit www.mponstage.com.
Photo 2:
West Windsor, Levittown
From left to right: Eric Leiggi(West Windsor) and Dominick Sannelli (Levittown,PA) star in the family-friendly musical production of "The Emperor's New Clothes". The show is presented by Maurer Productions OnStage at the Kelsey Theatre on the West Windsor campus of Mercer County Community college October 12-14, 2007. Admission is $10 for adults, $8 for seniors, students and children. For tickets call: 609-570-3333. For more information visit www.mponstage.com.
Photo 3: East Windsor, Cranbury
On the right, Alex Charwin (Cranbury) and Carol Jean Feinstein (East Windsor) make an appearance before Emperor Marcus (played by Eric Leiggi of West Windsor)in the family-friendly musical production of "The Emperor's New Clothes". The show is presented by Maurer Productions OnStage at the Kelsey Theatre on the West Windsor campus of Mercer County Community college October 12-14, 2007. Admission is $10 for adults, $8 for seniors, students and children. For tickets call: 609-570-3333. For more information visit www.mponstage.com.
Photo 4: Bordentown, West Windsor
Jett Bohonko (right) and Zachery McDaniel (center) of Bordentown appear with Eric Leiggi(left) of West Windsor in the family-friendly musical production of "The Emperor's New Clothes". The show is presented by Maurer Productions OnStage at the Kelsey Theatre on the West Windsor campus of Mercer County Community college October 12-14, 2007. Admission is $10 for adults, $8 for seniors, students and children. For tickets call: 609-570-3333. For more information visit www.mponstage.com.
Photo 5: Somerset, West Windsor
Ashley Goldstein (right) of Somerset appears before Emperor Marcus (played by Eric Leiggi of West Windsor)in the family-friendly musical production of "The Emperor's New Clothes". The show is presented by Maurer Productions OnStage at the Kelsey Theatre on the West Windsor campus of Mercer County Community college October 12-14, 2007. Admission is $10 for adults, $8 for seniors, students and children. For tickets call: 609-570-3333. For more information visit www.mponstage.com.
Photo 6: Plainsboro
Rosie Karlin and Scott Karlin of Plainsboro star in the family-friendly musical production of "The Emperor's New Clothes". The show is presented by Maurer Productions OnStage at the Kelsey Theatre on the West Windsor campus of Mercer County Community college October 12-14, 2007. Admission is $10 for adults, $8 for seniors, students and children. For tickets call: 609-570-3333. For more information visit www.mponstage.com.
Photo 7: West Windsor, Levittown
From left to right, Eric Leiggi of West Windsor and Dominick Sannelli of Levittown face off in the family-friendly musical production of "The Emperor's New Clothes". The show is presented by Maurer Productions OnStage at the Kelsey Theatre on the West Windsor campus of Mercer County Community college October 12-14, 2007. Admission is $10 for adults, $8 for seniors, students and children. For tickets call: 609-570-3333. For more information visit www.mponstage.com.
Photo 8: West Windsor, Plainsboro
From left to right, Scott Karlin, Eric Leiggi, Rosie Karlin and Monica Nordeen (all from the West Windsor/Plainsboro area) star in the family-friendly musical production of "The Emperor's New Clothes". The show is presented by Maurer Productions OnStage at the Kelsey Theatre on the West Windsor campus of Mercer County Community college October 12-14, 2007. Admission is $10 for adults, $8 for seniors, students and children. For tickets call: 609-570-3333. For more information visit www.mponstage.com.
Photo 9: Washington Township, West Windsor
From left to right in the back row, Cindy George, Caroline Maurer, Kathy Kutalek, Jamie George, Debbie Ryan, Katie Correll and Tara Dorgan of Washington Township all appear with Eric Leiggi of West Windsor (foreground) in the family-friendly musical production of "The Emperor's New Clothes". The show is presented by Maurer Productions OnStage at the Kelsey Theatre on the West Windsor campus of Mercer County Community college October 12-14, 2007. Admission is $10 for adults, $8 for seniors, students and children. For tickets call: 609-570-3333. For more information visit www.mponstage.com.
Photo 10: West Windsor, Bordentown, Lawrenceville
Eric Leiggi of West Windsor stars as Emperor Marcus in the family-friendly musical production of "The Emperor's New Clothes". Also pictured are Zachery McDaniel of Bordentown (left) and Jessie Dubin of Lawrenceville (right). The show is presented by Maurer Productions OnStage at the Kelsey Theatre on the West Windsor campus of Mercer County Community college October 12-14, 2007. Admission is $10 for adults, $8 for seniors, students and children. For tickets call: 609-570-3333. For more information visit www.mponstage.com.
Photo 11: West Windsor, Plainsboro
From left to right, Kristen Robinson, Scott Karlin, Eric Leiggi, Rosie Karlin and Monica Nordeen (all of the West Windsor/Plainsboro area) appear in the family-friendly musical production of "The Emperor's New Clothes". The show is presented by Maurer Productions OnStage at the Kelsey Theatre on the West Windsor campus of Mercer County Community college October 12-14, 2007. Admission is $10 for adults, $8 for seniors, students and children. For tickets call: 609-570-3333. For more information visit www.mponstage.com.
Photo 12: West Windsor, Manalapan, East Windsor, Hamilton, Washington Township
Maurer Productions OnStage present the family-friendly musical production of "The Emperor's New Clothes". Picture here (back row from left to right)Kristen Robinson (West Windsor), Ashley Goldstein (Somerset0, Jake Bazel (Manalapan), Carol Jean Feinstein (East Windsor), Judey Berwick (Hamilton), (front row from left to right) Katie Correll (Washington Township), Eric Leiggi (West Windsor) and Debbie Ryan (Washington Township). The show will be presented at the Kelsey Theatre on the West Windsor campus of Mercer County Community college October 12-14, 2007. Admission is $10 for adults, $8 for seniors, students and children. For tickets call: 609-570-3333. For more information visit www.mponstage.com.
Photo 13: Hamilton, Washington Township
Maurer Productions OnStage present the family-friendly musical production of "The Emperor's New Clothes". Picture here from left to right are Kelsey Sheehan (Hamilton), Danielle Standifer (Hamilton), Debbie Ryan (Washington Township) and John Russell (Hamilton). The show will be presented at the Kelsey Theatre on the West Windsor campus of Mercer County Community college October 12-14, 2007. Admission is $10 for adults, $8 for seniors, students and children. For tickets call: 609-570-3333. For more information visit www.mponstage.com.
Photo 14 Hamilton
John Russell, Danielle Standifer, Kelsey Sheehan (left) and Judy Berwick (right), all of the Hamilton Mercerville area, appear with Eric Leiggi of West Windsor (center) in the family-friendly musical production of "The Emperor's New Clothes". The show is presented by Maurer Productions OnStage at the Kelsey Theatre on the West Windsor campus of Mercer County Community college October 12-14, 2007. Admission is $10 for adults, $8 for seniors, students and children. For tickets call: 609-570-3333. For more information visit www.mponstage.com.
Photo 15: Bordentown, Lawrenceville/Plainsboro
The emperor's guards played by Zachery McDaniel (left) and Jesse Dubin (right) take away the swindler played by Monica Nordeen (center) in the family-friendly musical production of "The Emperor's New Clothes". The show is presented by Maurer Productions OnStage at the Kelsey Theatre on the West Windsor campus of Mercer County Community college October 12-14, 2007. Admission is $10 for adults, $8 for seniors, students and children. For tickets call: 609-570-3333. For more information visit www.mponstage.com.
Photo 16: Plainsboro
From left to right, Rosie Karlin, Monica Nordeen, and Scott Karlin (all of the Plainsboro area) star in the family-friendly musical production of "The Emperor's New Clothes". The show is presented by Maurer Productions OnStage at the Kelsey Theatre on the West Windsor campus of Mercer County Community college October 12-14, 2007. Admission is $10 for adults, $8 for seniors, students and children. For tickets call: 609-570-3333. For more information visit www.mponstage.com.
Photo 17: Manalapan, West Windsor
Jake Bazel (right) of Manalapan appears before Emperor Marcus (played by Eric Leiggi of West Windsor) in the family-friendly musical production of "The Emperor's New Clothes". The show is presented by Maurer Productions OnStage at the Kelsey Theatre on the West Windsor campus of Mercer County Community college October 12-14, 2007. Admission is $10 for adults, $8 for seniors, students and children. For tickets call: 609-570-3333. For more information visit www.mponstage.com.
Photo 18: West Windsor, Plainsboro
From left to right, Rosie Kalin, Scott Karlin and Eric Leiggi (all of the West Windsor/Plainsboro area) star in the family-friendly musical production of "The Emperor's New Clothes". The show is presented by Maurer Productions OnStage at the Kelsey Theatre on the West Windsor campus of Mercer County Community college October 12-14, 2007. Admission is $10 for adults, $8 for seniors, students and children. For tickets call: 609-570-3333. For more information visit www.mponstage.com.
Photo 19: Lawrenceville, West Windsor
Jessie Dubin of Lawrenceville (left) and Eric Leiggi of West Windsor (right) appear in the family-friendly musical production of "The Emperor's New Clothes". The show is presented by Maurer Productions OnStage at the Kelsey Theatre on the West Windsor campus of Mercer County Community college October 12-14, 2007. Admission is $10 for adults, $8 for seniors, students and children. For tickets call: 609-570-3333. For more information visit www.mponstage.com.
Photo 20: Columbus New Jersey
Artist Denise McDaniel of Columbus is creating a coat of arms for the Emperor's New Clothes. While the design is original, it is based on hours of research done by Bauch-Cantor in an effort to bring a touch of history to the stage. For tickets call: 609-570-3333. For more information visit www.mponstage.com.
Photo 21: Ottsville, PA
Local artist Tom Freemer of Ottsville has painted three original portaits for a scene in the Emperor's New Clothes. For tickets call: 609-570-3333. For more information visit www.mponstage.com.
Photo 22: Kelsey Theatre: West Windsor
Artist and Kelsey Theatre staff member, Amy Foris helps to bring a feeling of realism to the set design for the Emperor's New Cloths. Amy’s years of experience in scenic art has taught her the trick of creating textured illusions with paint. In her hands wood, foam and cardboard become stone masonry, fiberboard flats become a paved stone floors and finally a theatre set becomes a castle. For tickets call: 609-570-3333. For more information visit www.mponstage.com.