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The Foreigner Set

The set for the Foreigner offered many opportunities and challenges. First it was a single set show which allowed us to spend time adding detail that made it more realistic. But the nessacity of a trap door in the stage required the raising of the entire set 3 feet.

pre vis on Set

We started with a 3d Pre-visualization of the set from several angles. Since the whole set had to be raised up we wanted to make sure we didn't mess up the sitelines.

This set had legsMost of the platforms we used as well as the staircase were loaned to us by our friends at Perriot productions. There were 23 platforms used in the set covering more then 700 square feet of stage in three levels.trap door The main reason for raising the set was a trap door that is seen in act 1 and 2 and plays an important part in the story. We created a 3 way trap door for the show. It had a door that swung down, a door that swung up and the entire trap system was in a frame that could lower into the floor for the finale. constructionThanks to some understage crew members it worked greate every night. We had a crew of three who did most of the contruction with volunteers and actors stepping in at different points to help build, paint and decorate. We want to thank the cast, crew and all the part time volunteers that help make The Foriegner a success.

John Maurer.

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